Monday, April 24, 2006

the girl who got a massage

shhhh! don't tell my hubby! Today was employee appreciation day and they had the staff from our sister hotel's spa come over to one of the boardrooms and give 15 min massages! Whoa! How have I lived my life until now and NOT gotten a professional massage? It was heavenly, but...a little like sex. You know how when your partner is doing something that feels so good but you just know if he just moved little up, or a little to that side or was just a little bit softer or more's good and you enjoy it, but...
Well, my massage was like that. It felt great, but I didn't want it to end because I thought maybe she'd hit just the right spot if she kept on a little more. I also understand that it isn't polite to give instructions..."yeah, that's good...a little more...just a little higher...little higher..THERE! Yeah baby! That's the stuff!" Whew! I need a cigarette!
And, since I recently emptied out my digital cam, I'm going to share pictures every day until I run out! lol! So here's today's pic. THis was taken at the underwater dolphin exhibit at Sea World. Didn't manage to catch the dolphins in the pic, but I love this anyway. Why are all my favorite pictures of this boy taken from the back?

1 comment:

island jen said...

OMG you completely crack me up...hmmm...NSD at the Scrapbook Boutique or massages...hmmm...