Saturday, September 27, 2008

the girl who feels like doing an HR post

I love my job. I'm coming right out and admitting it. Not just the work I do, but the environment I do it in. If there were an Almighty Employment God whose sole purpose of existence was to match people according to personality and professional ethics to create the most ideal working atmosphere, well, suffice it to say, my getting hired would have been a major feather in their omniscient cap.

So why do I love it? The work itself appeals to me. The location is close to my own little personal bubble in Orlando. The job is challenging enough that I don't get bored and routine enough that I have confidence in what I do. I get a fair amount of perks, a fair amount of personal control and responsibility and a nice little office that is organized exactly how I like it. On top of that, I "get" my employer, so that the little idiosyncrasies that may make him the boss from hell for some people are recognized and respected so that I never take the blow ups personally, but always seriously. And the company does care about its employees, so that's good. And they recognize the job I do and the value that I contribute. My opinion--while at times directly opposite of the powers that be--is respected and taken into consideration. And then there are the people I work with. I think that we have formed a close little group. Scratch that. The close little group was there when I arrived, I just fit in perfectly, as if they had been holding a spot for me all along.

So there is the gushing. I can't help it. The old maxim "Everything happens for a reason" always seems so trite when uttered (comfortingly) in a crisis. However, it is one of those platitudes that only is recognized as wisdom in hindsight.

Now to the actual HR content: the economy is floundering. People are getting laid off left and right (two similar businesses just laid off 200+ workers between them this week) and you can't help but feel the effect in HR. Now, one would hope that this would create an environment of healthy competition where employees would recognize how lucky they are that their workplace has not had to resort to such measures. I would hope that it would inspire new heights of employee performance, where each employee does their best to go above and beyond and prove their worth as an employee. But that is not to be. Unfortunately the competition as not been directed at improving one's personal performance. Instead, I've seen a rash of backstabbing and throwing co-workers under the bus. Positively Junior High reactions. "Well, instead of me working harder, I'll just point out how everyone else is screwing up, then I'll be safe."

Here is a lesson: it does not make you safe. It points out that you are NOT a team player. Why do I enjoy my job so much? because I am part of a team, on every level. Employees need to recognize that supporting their teammates so that the entire unit achieves success is a much better job-retention ploy than pointing out their co-workers' faults and failings. That kind of negativity is poison. A cancer. And once HR figures out where the tumor is located, its best to remove it.

Likewise, now is not the time to gripe about compensation. NEVER tell your supervisor you "should be" making more money. Let me spell it out to you. YOU accepted the position you are in at the wage you are making. YOU made the decision to get out of bed, shower, perform whatever morning ritual gets you going, get into your car and come to work. And YOU will decide on how well you perform to KEEP receiving the wage YOU agreed to when you took the position. Compensation is the most immediate reward, but what about the intangibles? A good work environment, location, benefits? It isn't ALL what shows up on your paychecks, and face it, very few people are ever going to be satisified with what they get paid. A good employee SHOULD always want more because it is the most tangible reward for a job well done. But a sense of entilement for a better salary is never going to beat good job performance. I don't want to be the hardass, I simply want everyone to be as happy with their job as I am. We all work on the same team. So if you don't like the conditions, leave. Simple as that.

With 200+ industry workers recently made available for employment, I don't think there will be an issue replacing you.

So I urge everyone to find what aspects of their job make them happy and work on fixing those that don't. Either suck it up and fix it, or leave. Above all else, be a GROWN UP about it and remember, everything happens for a reason.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

the girl who welcomes fall

The past month (van drama notwithstanding) has been packed full of fall activities:

Starting school and sending my new Kindergartner off. giving Zack the responsibility of walking his brother to and from.

watching clouds with Matthew-"Look, Mommy! A castle! A bear! A piece of candy!"

Going to open houses at school and learning that Ian's Kindergarten class (and all of the others) is overcrowded so they are hiring a new teacher and dividing up the classes. I hope Ian keeps his pixie-teacher. She's perfect for him!

Dealing with the first cold brought home from school as it sweeps through the house. Little bit seems hardest hit. Constant glazed donut face.

Likewise, dealing with Eli's first brother-induced injury: a black eye and cut.

Going to Draven's b'day party and getting to splash and play in the bouncy houses. Good times.

Getting Island Jen to take photos of me throwing Eli up into the air over and over to get the perfect shot. Some may call it child abuse, I call it scrapbooking! (lol!)

Meeting Claire and marveling in how laid back her parents are. They are pros already!

Starting violin lessons for Zacky. Pray for me.

Buying new shoes and new glasses. (pictures will follow)

Trying to scrap and not being able to sustain the creative process. My scrap space is a MESS and it is stifling me. But facing the prospect of losing a scrap night to organize puts me off too, so I just wind up throwing something together from what comes to hand and then throwing it all back into the cabinet. So unlike me.

And finally, a day like today. Cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry avoiding and an apple pie. The perfect end to a 90 degree fall day!