Monday, July 23, 2007

the girl who is celebrating!

After 12 days in captivity (i.e. the NICU, lol), Eli Eleven Martinez is home. Everyone is in love with him and tv and video games have taken second place to our new favorite past time of baby watching!

Pictures to follow, but I'm off to watch again!


Karalynn Tyler said...

Congrats on Eli's homecoming!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more about how all the boys are getting along!


liannallama said...

oh, congrats on the birth and homecoming of your beautiful precious boy! What an angel he is!

Tricia said...

The German word for eleven is "elf", so you could use "elf" as a nickname. He certainly looks elfen in those pictures! What a cutie.

[a random visitor who was directed to your birth story earlier today...]