Saturday, July 14, 2007

the girl who is giving an update

Day 2 in the NICU and peeking out of the baby burrito swaddling

This is how tiny his little feet are! (My hands are not huge, I promise!)

Getting some love from Mommy

Day 3: Such a perfect, sweet, little face! I wonder what he's dreaming of?

Day 4: Eyes open and looking like a grumpy old man.

Another illustration of how teeny this little Slurpee is!

Eli is now off oxygen and antibiotics. He is taking feedings by bottle and I'm about to bring him some Mama Juice. I'd much rather be feeding than pumping, but he's still learning. Apparently the sucking reflex doesn't fully develop until about 34-35 weeks so just the fact he's taking feedings by bottle is noteworthy--I'm not about to frustrate both of us with the breast. We'll let him get a little stronger first and I'll build up my supply in the meantime.

The big thing right now is his weight and inability to maintain his own temperature. One will correct the other so it's not necessarily anything to worry about, just something to watch. The little Slurpee just needs to grow!

Thanks for all of the comments and well wishes. It was quite an experience and, looking back, I myself wonder how I did it without freaking out completely. (Do not doubt there was some freaking out! Things just moved too fast for the panic to actually set in and interfere!) The human body is just completely amazing. My body was able to take over and do what needed to be done without my mind getting in the way.

I will admit to a slight feeling of superiority while in the hospital, lol. A totally uncharitable thing and I'd be highly offended if anyone approached me with this attitude, but when I heard the poor woman in the next L&D suite over moaning and crying for a solid hour before she got her epidural (I assume, since she stopped and I didn't hear the baby cry until about two hours after that) I couldn't help but feel slightly smug. Of course, it was probably her first child and it was probably term. Everyone is different--still, I really felt superior! (And then, of course instantly guilty. Too much of a Catholic upbringing to maintain that arrogance, lol.)

Anyway, I'm off to see my little "baby in the box" as Ian calls him. I'll add anything pertinent as it happens.


Milissa said...


He is just perfect. So beautiful and I congratulate you on your awesome delivery that I would have a major big head over too! LOL... I haven't been able to naturally deliver any of my children so I commend you! Great job! he's awesome.

Unknown said...

He's beautiful and perfect and sooo teeny-tiny! Love the last photo - so much love in there!


Unknown said...

I was forwarded this wonderful message from a friend and I must say that you are not only an amazing woman to be able to do that you are incridably strong. Through this experiance you will see just how strong you will become. I simpathize with you for having to leave your baby in the NICU every night. I too just went through the same experience our little Mckinley was born at 28 weeks 2 lbs 6 oz. She is now 5 months old (two months ajusted) and 13 lbs so there is hope for you. I just have one bit of advise that helped our daughter to advance so quickly. I put her to breast everyday even though she wasn't doing much with it. She started really latching once a day at 32 weeks!! and was all breast and home by 35 weeks (at 4 lb 9 oz) my friend that didn't do this ended up not being able to get the baby to like the breast and the baby is now on formula and a few pounds lighter than McKinley. So as one NICU mom to another put your adorable baby to breast ASAP don't let him get to used to the bottle.
Good luck with everything, just remember everyday is one day closer to comming home

Norma Kennedy said...


I just wanted to swing by and say you have really been in my thoughts and in my prayers. I sooo appreciate your kind words of comfort !

I am glad to say Isabella is finally home. Knowing how hard this was on us I can't even inagine how you and your family are holding up.

Well just wanted to say If you need to talk I'm here and praying Eli your gorgeous little one gets to come home healthy and soon.
Hugs, Norma