Sunday, March 25, 2007

the girl who is feeling cute

It's this pretty spring dress, courtesy of Island Jen. She was generous enough to "lend" me her maternity clothes. I am under the impression getting them back is more important to her husband than to her, but she likes to let him think they're going to have another kid. lol! So, since I was feeling all cutesy and awash with preggo feel good hormones, I thought I'd try out some settings on my new camera. I also need to figure out how to not make myself look so pink. Unfortunately, that's probably my mother's complexion peeking through and not a setting malfunction! I hope I end up with her tendency not to wrinkle, that will make the ruddiness worth it when I'm 60 and look as good as she does.

Anyway, I TRIED to take a self-portrait belly shot. This is 17 and 1/2 weeks worth of baby here. I can still get away with,"Is she pregnant or just fat?" if I'm careful with what I wear, but it's going to be a little bit too obvious before too long.

And for everyone I've been promising: meet Parker, the newest addition to our family. He's growing on me (how can he not? Look at that FACE!) despite my efforts to resist his puppy charm. Little guy makes an awesome heating pad too.

Went on a fun road trip with Island Jen yesterday. Will post that later. Just thought I'd try and parcel things out in dribs and drabs to possibly encourage myself to post more. I will say this, the next post will be quite picture intensive!

1 comment:

island jen said...

Awwwww...that dress seriously looks so cute on you!! Love it!

And yes, Mr. Parker is a cutie patootie, this is very true!!

If you post nothing else from our MUST post the Starbucks billboard!