Tuesday, August 08, 2006

the girl who is catching up

So...what does everyone think of my additions? lol, I'm learning still, be kind.

First item of importance is that Zachary lost is first front tooth. (Isn't he adorable with that gap tooth grin?) I just love the look of a little boy with a gap in front. It's sooooo adorable!

Then, of course, the next big topic would be going back to school. In preparation we took the boys to have their hair cut. Yes, we let it grow out during the summer and cut it the weekend before school started.

Bad idea.

Everyone else was doing the same thing, so things were crowded, to say the least. Yes, that's all three of my boys taking up booths at the Hair Cuttery. Bim, Bang, Boom! Matthew took the longest and came out the most uneven, but he's two, it will grow back...right?

Take a good look--this is what school supplies for two kids look like, and this isn't even the wide angle shot. I understand teachers have limited salaries, but why, oh why, are there things like Plug-Ins and saran wrap on these lists? Only the fact my mother is a retired teacher and I know what it was like keeps me from saying anything, but, still--plug ins kinda piss me off.

And last, but not least, here is Mr. Zack on the first day of school. He cooperated for first day pictures, Ian did not. I will probably fake it later just so I can have a page, lol!

That's it in a nutshell--I know, kind of boring, but I can't always be living la vida loca! Tomorrow starts 8 days straight of opening shifts, then I get a four-day vacation. Not that I can afford it, but I need it. Nothing planned except some Dr's appts, letting DH take an out-of-town excursion without the kiddos and getting my scrap on.

To quote miss Island Jen (who so deserves quoting) "Love, Peace, and Scrap!"

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